Abstract Submission
All abstracts must be submitted electronically via the Abstract Module submission system. Abstracts submitted by email will not be accepted. Abstracts will be published without any correction; therefore the authors should be careful about spelling mistakes.
*All submissions must be uploaded as a FINAL SUBMISSION
by March 19, 2023, 11:59pm GMT +3
Guidelines for Submission
- Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract system only.
- Academic titles should not be included to author name
- The names should be written with only the first letter in capital and the rest in small letters and without abbreviation
- Name and address of the institution, in which the author is employed, should be stated.
- Only the first letter of the abstract title should be in capital letters. (Abbreviations excluded.)
- In case abbreviation will be used in the abstract, the abbreviation should be explained in parenthesis.
- The purpose of the paper and the methods applied should be explained in brief, the findings should be summarized together with sufficient statistical details and the conclusion should be stated within the framework of the findings presented.
- Abstract should be organized in a way to include the titles of objective, materials and methods, results and conclusions.
- The abstract length should not exceed 400 words excluding the abstract title, name and surname of the author
Important Notices
- If you will use the online abstract module for the first time, select the “New User” link and register to the system.
- The explanations at the page after the registration procedure will guide you. Please read the messages and explanations carefully.
- Abstracts submitted via online shall be published without any corrections; therefore the authors should be careful about spelling mistakes
- Please keep the confirmation mail sent to your e-mail address following the abstract submission.
- You can track the evaluation process of your abstract over the system by using your e-mail and password.
- For technical assistance or questions during abstract submission, please contact Minduce IT Solutions Ltd. by emailing support@abstractmodule.com or calling phone: +90 216 410 44 14, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (EET), Monday-Friday.
Abstract Evaluation
All abstracts and proceedings will be blind reviewed by the Scientific Committee. In order to have an accepted abstract being programmed by the scientific committee, congress registration for the presenting author is compulsory. An acceptance letter concerning the abstract evaluation result will be e-mailed to the author.
Registration Is Open
Black Sea Rheumatology 2023 registration is now open. Limited places available, you can register with the early-bird fees on 1st period, by February 17, 2023
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now open for the Black Sea Rheumatology 2023. Deadline for abstract submission is March 19, 2023. We are pleased to invite authors to submit their abstracts for early review.
Submit Your Abstract
Industry Engagement
We have created a variety of packages to provide you with a successful experience at Black Sea Rheumatology. We are committed to providing the information and tools you need as you plan for the meeting.
May 18, 2023 | | First Day of the Congress |
February 17, 2023 | | Early-Bird Registration |
March 19, 2023 | | Deadline for Abstract Submission |

About Black Sea Rheumatology
“Black Sea Rheumatology” project consists of a series of meetings to be held in countries of the Black Sea basin.
These meetings aim to establish scientific connections between these countries by bringing together basic and clinical scientists interested in rheumatology.
The scientific program will include lectures on basic and clinical research as well as treatment of common and regional rheumatic diseases, oral presentations and discussions.
Organizing Secretariat
Please contact organizing secretariat for your registration & accommodation requests.
Professional Congress Organizer (PCO)
D Event Tourism Organization
İçerenköy Mah. Çayır Cad. No:5 Bay Plaza Kat:12
Ataşehir, İstanbul
Phone: +90 216 573 18 36
Web: www.devent.com.tr
e-mail: istanbul1@devent.com.tr
Instagram: @blacksearheumatology
© 2023 Black Sea Rheumatology